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Meet the illustrators!

Amalka profile picture.JPG

Amalka (6 yo)

Amalka is from The Czeck Republic

Azmil Photo (1).jpg

Azmil (12 yo)

Azmil is from Java in Indonesia

Profile Farah.jpg

Farah (12 yo)

Farah is from Australia

New Profile pic.jpg

Jess (13 yo)

Jess is from England


Luna (15 yo)

Luna is from Germany


Tianah (13 yo)

Tianah is from Australia


Amelie (10 yo)

Amelie is from Australia

Profile pic - Dakota Teal -Aquene.jpg

Dakota (11 yo)

Dakota is from Australia

Gideon - Soloman Islands.jpg


Gideon is from the Soloman Islands


Julius (12 yo)

Julius is from Germany

Meg profile.jpg

Meg (9 yo)

Meg is from Australia

Zhali at work.jpg

Zhali (10 yo)

Zhali is from Australia

Asifiwe -profile picture.JPG

Asifiwe (15 yo)

Asifiwe is from Tanzania

Daudi Elia -profile picture.JPG

Daudi (19 yo)

Daudi is from Tanzania

profile image.jpg

Hannah (11 yo)

Hannah is from Australia

Profile pic.jpg

Layla (11 yo)

Layla is from Australia

Summer profile.jpeg

Summer (15 yo)

Summer is from Australia

Zilla Profile image.jpg

Zilla (12 yo)

Zilla is from Indonesia

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