Adult Spiritual Quest
Starting in Spring 2023 is a Spiritual Adventure Quest for Adults ( Please head over to the the shop and click on the upcoming event tab for more information)
These will be held in Nature and will involve a number of supportive tips, tools and experiences to support Adults on their own quests and journey in life.
When: Sunday 24th September 2023
Time: 5am for Sunrise ( at 5:37am) til 11am ( 12 hours after the Spring Equinox , thus first day that has more daylight hours than darkness)
Where: Noosa National Park (Sunrise beach/ southern end) Meet at the carpark on 34 Seaview Terrace, Sunrise Beach at 4:50 to leave at 5am)
Spring is here and the energy of birthing and nurturing the new is welcoming.
Take time for yourself to connect to the wisdom within whilst in nature, and join Andrew on an intuitive, fun, sunrise adventure that celebrates your journey with the Spring Equinox energies. A time when the night and daylight hours are equal as we move into more daylight hours.
This will include
* A light language and selenite sword activation.
* A welcoming and cleansing Water ceremony with your Spiritual Adventure Quest booklet and gift pack.
* A silent dawn meditative nature walk (start at 5:00am for a 5:37 Sunrise) at dawn to the sacred tree in Noosa National Park (from the southern end - Sunshine Beach).
* A space to reflect where you are at in birthing new ideas, concepts, thoughts and actions of your own deepest vision/ quest/journey through journaling /drawing or mapping.
* A collaborative powerful crystal and nature grid healing ceremony honouring you, the earth and your quest.
* A collaborative powerful water ceremony (in the ocean) honouring your soul and your relationship with the gift of water, the ocean and its animals.
* Connect with the elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
* An honouring space for you to participate in sharing your wisdom and gifts with the group, and in paired activities.
* Connect with the animals that visit us and the possibility of seeing whales, dolphins, turtles, sea eagles and more.
* Time to celebrate with a sharing of snacks, a swim (if you wish), and of course having a fun jumping photo (optional) to remind yourself of what you are having the courage to jump into this new year.
On registering you will receive a checklist of things to bring.
Head over to the shop to book.
Looking forward to supporting you this Spring
in gratitude,
Andrew Holt